🌿A quick 5-minute meditation at work — I will Carve Out Time for You🌿
Uploading that heavy project file?
Waiting for your client to arrive?
Waiting for the meeting to begin?
Waiting for your team to gather around for the meeting?
# Or simply taking a 5-minute breather to relax from anything that is bothering you?
Instead of worrying about how to make it perfect, mindlessly scroll the internet for entertainment or another round of information overload. Engaging in a quick conversation & taking a super quick coffee or smoke break –
# Stay where you are –
Set a timer for 4.30 Minutes.
Take off your glasses & shoes –
roll back your shoulders, sit absolutely straight –
lean back on the backrest of your chair –
slightly tuck your chin toward your throat –
go passive on your face –
BREATHE in deep, breathe out longer — 3–5 counts — that is 45–60 seconds –
With eyes closed look towards your upper chest region
Take another deep breath & enter your body with that breath and continue breathing regularly.
Any thought that is coming, let them come, and when they go you let them. Don’t try to run after them, or cast them away.
When the timer goes off- don’t immediately open your eyes.
Now is the time to take in your surroundings for 30–60 seconds — the sound, the smell, the taste, and the feelings around you. Remain fully aware of them & slowly extend your awareness covering the whole office. This should not be forced & done over a period of a few weeks.
Very gently open your eyes. Get up — Look around with complete acceptance & assurance that this is your team — an extension of you. No one is above or below you.
Enjoy your day.
You can do this for as long as you can, however initially for a month keep it to 4.30 minutes.
# Free Mediation—
Use my VOICE to meditate with us. Click Here.
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